How To Make The Right Baby Pannier

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Is one of your closest friend expecting to become a mom or a dad really soon? If so they may have even organized a shower and you have been most probably invited. Now you are stuck trying to figure out how you can create a unique pannier for their new family member on the way. Here are some helpful tips to help you get going.

First look at the colours

This, can be a very sensitive subject. For baby boy gift hampers you can run with blue while for girls you can go with the traditional pink shades. The only problem is when and if the parents have decided to keep the gender of their new child as a surprise. If this is the case go for something safe like a mixture of pink and blue, yellow, green or other pastel shades that can be unisex. This can really be a great idea where you too, do not have to feel uneasy about whether you have intruded on the privacy and expectations of the new parents. Visit this link for more info on baby boy gift hampers.

Now pick a theme for the basket

You can just give a plain basket for your hampers too but where is the fun in that? Make sure that you therefore, pick a theme to decorate your pannier in. usually you can use things like bows and ribbons and flowers that you can easily get in the market. Just make sure that they are safe in case the child comes into contact with them.

What material should it be?

The basket has to be from a safe and sturdy material. Some of the more traditional materials for this are coir, rattan, sisal and fabric. The only issue with these is that they can splinter and perhaps hurt the soft fingers of the child if they are already here and touch it. If it been given to the expecting mother this is not an issue. If there is any kind of varnish that has been applied on the material of the basket make sure that it is not toxic both to mother and child.

Now build your base

To build you base include a sift linen tucked in all around so that the goodies will rest on top of it. You can also include things like cocoa butter, breast pads and even lanolin which are known to be great post-partum goodies that the mother will greatly enjoy. This will make for a really great base for your pannier. Then throw in some practical goodies that can help the baby and you will be good to go!